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AmperEdge Pattern
We have built the world's first customizable "cooling strip" technology with unparalleled versatility in compact, low-profile thermal management
THERMOLYNX technology lowers engineering and cost barriers to the integration of cooling into next-generation products. 

The modular THERMOLYNX system provides large-area connectivity, heat exchange, distributed battery power, external power/charging, and a device configuration that leapfrogs conventional ceramic-plate thermoelectrics.


Not sure if thermal management can be integrated into your next product?

We can help… The possibilities are limitless. Our application engineers can work with you to create rapid prototypes and demonstrate integrated thermal management in your next product design.

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Thermolynx system
AmperEdge Pattern

Thermolynx was created to empower thermal engineers and end users with a hardware and controller building block configuration that enables simplified design of next generation products with integrated climate control

AmperEdge Pattern
Introducing AmperICE our flagship cooling strip technology.

Looking at thermal management solutions for your next idea? Start here.

We have developed a low-profile modular strip to revolutionize the conventional way of cooling and heating

AmperICE cooling strips powered by Thermolynx

Customized cooling with AmperICE. No pigtails, no solder, just sync, link, and cool. Contact us or order online.

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b2b solutions
Cooling inspired across a range of industries and military applications

Thermolynx is a low-profile thermal management system designed for integration into challenging projects involving advanced manufacturing, cold-chain logistics, enclosure temperature control, and military operations. Thermolynx requires only minimal customization for packaging in your product design, significantly lowering the barrier for integrated, low-profile thermal management.

Cutting-edge cooling integrated in your product

Think the comfort of cooling, or precise temperature control would make an impact on your next product?


Let us show you how rapid cooling and heat extraction can impact your next generation product across a broad range of industries including wearables.


No bulk, no plumbing, no fluids, low noise. Just snap, wrap and cool

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Thermolynx - Thermal Strip series technology provides the most versatile means to control temperature in a low-profile, wearable device. The thermal flow reversability of the interconnected Thermolynx modules provides programmable temperature control within seconds



Key personnel who perform demanding jobs in austere environments have special needs to safely accomplish their job. Protective equipment is required, but comfort in protective equipment doesn't have to play second fiddle to safety. We are working to integrate Thermolynx cooling systems into several types of personal protective equipment worn by welder's, high voltage electricians, clean room technicians, industrial manufacturing personnel, and more. Thermolynx has been designed for ease of integration into textile materials including heavy duty apparrel items ranging from jackets, helmets and other PPE devices such as powered-air, personal respirator (PAPR) devices.



Cooling for comfort is needed to beat the heat, but sometimes cooling plays an integral role in the rate of healing and recovery after injury or surgery. Thermolynx devices designed for patient mobility and minimizing post-operative, third-party care promise to significantly impact therapeutics including sports medicine. We call this emerging field "Thermapeutics" and have designed Thermolynx to meet the vision of your next product innovation in this growing industry.



Rapid cooling or heat removal can be life-saving. Traumatic brain injury, severe heat stroke are just a few examples of emergency temperature control that require immediate cooling to save lives. Thermolynx is design to be integrated into larger-area textiles and head cradling devices such as helmets to enable rapid thermal exchange and fast temperature management. Let us show you how ThermoLynx can be integrated into your critical care technologies.



Climate control of stored materials can be critical. Conventional thermoelectric coolers are built around a single device ceramic plate device and a large aluminum heat sink. ThermoLynx provides a means to line the interior surface of the enclosure to match the profile and provide more uniform temperature control and the ability for remote, battery-powered cooling. Order a device today and see if ThermoLynx enclosure cooling is right for you.



Personal comfort begins with temperature control. Reliance on central HVAC can be tricky and some clients will pay a premium to get climate control where is matters. Ask us about opportunities to enhance your office furniture or home products by integrating low-profile, solid state cooling and heating.



Several large platform technologies have capitalized on the benefits of solid-state cooling, including rapid thermal annealing, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), other multi-stage detectors used in NASA and Department of Energy (DoE) applications. The ThermoLynx system has several advantages that can make your system smarter, more efficient and pass along cost value to the company and user. We have the ability to create high thermal power devices. Let us walk you through the advantages of cooling with Thermolynx on your analytical instrumentation, reactors and biotech platforms. 



Temperature control and scientific discovery often go hand in hand. If you work in biotech, large area detectors, electronics, water thermal management and several other industrial applications that entail bench top experimentation, the ability to control temperature can prove invaluable. Order an AmperICE cooling strip today and start exploring an experimental configuration that can help propel your next big discovery.

I've used heating strips in the past to increase my reaction temperature, but this was the first device that used heating and cooling to control my reaction temperature exactly where I needed it. I’m not an engineer so the thought of having to solder up a bunch of thermoelectric devices and write controller code wasn't appealing. The Thermolynx system was a perfect solution. It had everything I needed to apply cooling and even heating control with one device. Even if I was an engineer, I would have chosen the AmperICE cooling strip for my project. It worked great!

Feel the power and control of combined heating and cooling using AmperICE.

No pigtails, no solder, just sync, link, heat and cool. 
Contact us.

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Our engineering team has decades of experience developing thermal management solutions using conventional thermoelectric solid-state cooling devices. Early on, we realized that several basic steps in building thermoelectric cooling and thermal management systems kept repeating, because the device itself isn't the solution. After years of development with Federal research funding from NASA, DoE, the U.S. Navy, and the National Institute for Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases (NIAMS), we designed a new "Thermolynx" modular system complete with linkable subunits to increase cooling/heating area, with the heat exchanger integrated into each module. Add in the ability to directly link each unit electrically to a battery-powered base module without the need for labor-intensive electronics design, rapid device thermal management where you need it was born.


The interest in connected cooling has been off the charts. We decided to turn the advantages we developed into an accessible product, and offer this solution to businesses who are positioned to capitalize on cooling at the point-of-need! We hope that you too find value using Thermolynx in your next generation products.


& science innovation

Since the early 1980s, thermoelectric cooling technology has been available in a singular form factor. We changed that paradigm by designing new materials, new structures and packaging everything you need to enable high-efficiency cooling without picking up a soldering iron or thinking about how to get power and forced air convention to work in the project.

Like the current edge computing/AI revolution, our solid-state cooling strip enables instant thermal management precisely where you need it. No bulk, no plumbing, no fluids, no noise. Just snap, wrap and cool.



Thermolynx and AmperEDGE were born out of true technology incubation. The team received federal funding from the U.S. Navy and the National Insitutes of Health to solve chanllenges associated with bringing cooling to users (welders) and patients in need. Development of these prototypes paved the way for true technology innovation in thermal management of wearables such as personal protective equipment and therapeutics. The company was born in early 2022 and is expanding operations to meet the growing demand for our cooling solutions while continuing development in new areas for waste heat energy recovery and innovative battery technology solutions.

We call it the AmperEDGE, a new approach to modular device at the point of need

Ask our leadership team how we can help boost your sales and expand into new thermal control and power generation market opportunities

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AmperEDGE has developed a new product that expands the way for engineers to approach compact device thermal management. At its core are thermoelectric energy conversion devices that are packaged in a new form factor capable of being readily expanded to large surface area coverage without the requirement for custom engineering device design. The Thermolynx system provides rapid, site-specific thermal management (cooling and heating) from the same device, higher efficiency compared to resistive thermal tapes, and novel electrical energy conversion from waste environmental heat. Several large market opportunities in thermal setpoint management, rejected heat management, and waste heat recovery will be enabled using the Thermolynx system.

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Wearable cooling

Thermolynx provides a low-profile building block designed for direct integration into textile materials. The battery-powered, modular design provides electrical connectivity and thermal exchange to devlier cooling without the hassles of bags of ice, cold compresses and circulating icewater baths that keep you on your seat.


Let us show you how "electric ice" can spare the hassles of cooling

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The Thermolynx system becomes a high-efficiency heating strip, or heating pad with the push of a single button. Heating and cooling in the same device offers the most attractive option for thermal management. Our award-winning app lets you program heating and cooling cycles for your wearable to keep you comfortable on the job year round.


Thermoelectric heating is 10 times more energy efficient than conventional Kapton heating strips, or heating elements. Contact us to learn about energy efficient heating combined with cooling in a single device.


Feel the power and control of combined heating and cooling using AmperICE. No pigtails, no solder, just sync, link, and cool. Contact us or order online.

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amperice cooling strips

AmperICE is a versatile, point-of-need, solid-state cooling and heating device capable of regulating temperature to a precise set point prescribed by the user. Temperature regulation for environment control, industrial process regulation and heat management can save you time and money by producing higher yields through comfort and efficiency.


Cold side thermal contact is key to efficient cooling. Thermolynx provides several options ranging from spring-loaded direct contact with lateral exchange, module-integrated cold air circulation, and larger global cold exchange for restricted volume, local air conditioning


Contact us to learn about thermal regulation with AmperICE and Bring your Cool ideas to life.

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Power generation from waste thermal energy is an emerging field of renewable. Approximately 66% of all energy consumed in the world is lost to the environment in the form of heat. The ability to cost-effectively recover even a small fraction of waste heat energy promises significant energy conservation advantages and decreased impact to the environment. AmperEDGE is developing a high temperature heat conversion system and can extract energy from high, medium and low grade heat sources applicable to low and remote green power generation.


Contact us to learn more about generators that can give you a leg up in your electrical system amperage consumption, the AmperEDGE.

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AmperEDGE is developing a method for combining high energy density Li-ion silicon anode cells directly with the Thermolynx AmperEDGE system to create directly coupled waste heat power storage and use systems optimized for remote power applications.



Local energy harvesting for charging high efficiency Si anode cells and power sensors and communications networks has never been easier with the versatility and expandability of AmperEDGE cells.

Call us today to discuss how AmperEDGE cells with integrated thermal management can impact your project

CASE STUDY: Waste Heat Recovery

AmperEDGE is currently in advanced development of power generation and control engineering technologies for the high-temperature waste heat recovery platform.


Thinking of investing in this large untapped market, call us to discuss

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Partner & investor relations

AmperEDGE is a rapidly growing company dedicated to partnering with industrial leaders whose product line stands to benefit from integrated, low-profile thermal management. We are actively pursuing partners who are interested in exploring the utility of the system in their next generation product research and development. If you are interested in becoming an early adopter or beta device testing partner with a commitment to growing together, please reach out to our business development team.

Corporate Approach and Values

AmperEDGE Inc. (“AmperEDGE”) was formed to solve unmet needs in thermal management at or near the human body by enabling users/operators to control temperature comfort levels while recovering from injury, or when subjected to activities where thermal management can significantly increase the health and well-being of the user, such as all forms of personal protective equipment. The design was originally chosen to solve tough challenges identified by the U.S. Navy and the National Institute for Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). The core technology was built around a robust framework with 1000s of engineering hours dedicated to optimizing the user experience, ease of use, and quality of the product.

AmperEDGE, Inc. continues to foster a design and development environment that allows creativity to flourish during the discovery process, so that the right ideas have the right timeline to evolve into practical, impactful solutions capable of being scaled into advanced product development and used all over the world with high user/operator experience feedback ratings.

AmperEDGE executives share a common vision to commit the requisite investment without cutting corners to ensure our products have high robustness and longevity, maximize material component and geometry, integrate the highest level of product safety in both electronics and thermal components with a dedication to energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

It is AmperEDGE’s policy to:

  • Design, construct, operate and maintain our facilities in a responsible manner
  • Prioritize all applicable Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) laws, rules and regulations
  • Continually measure and evaluate our HSE performance
  • In support of this policy, AmperEDGE management and employees will:
  • Work to prevent injuries by identifying HSE risks in our work activities
  • Promote awareness of our corporate culture, DEI awareness and ESG impact
  • Foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among management and employees
  • Define practices, systems, standards, tools, training to support proactive HSE efforts
  • Conduct periodic assessments to measure progress and monitor policy conformance
Together, we aim to make AmperEDGE a safe and healthy workplace and a responsible corporate citizen in the communities in which we operate.


careers at amperedge

AmperEDGE is a fast growing start-up technology company in Austin, TX. We are actively seeking experienced thermal system engineers to join our growing team.


See our job opening listings at LinkedIn

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6201 E. Oltorf, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78741